Archived Projects
2015-03 - FJH Restroom Addition Bids Due: March 20, 2015 2:00pm
Job 2015-03 Addendum #1 3-6-2015
Job 2015-03. Addendum #2 3-13-2015
Job 2015-03 Bid Tabulation
Job 2015-03: District designates Cal Custom Group as the lowest responsive bidder
2015-04 - FJH Gym Audio/Visual Addition Bids Due: March 20, 2015 2:00pm
*** Job 2015-04 Addendum #1 3-10-2015
*** Job 2015-04 Addendum #2 03-13-2015
*** Job 2015-04 Bid Tabulation
***Job 2015-04: District designates Serban Sound as lowest responsive bidder.
2015-10 - 2015-2016 Def Maintenance - Flooring
2015-10 - 2015-2016 Def Maintenance - Flooring Bids Due: April 30, 2015 2:00pm
***Job 2015-10 Addendum #1 03-18-2015
***Job 2015-10 Addendum #2 03-19-2015
***Job 2015-10 Bid Tabulation
*** Job 2015-10: District Designates Metro Floors, Inc. as the lowest responsive bidder
2015-11 - 2015-2016 Def Maintenance - Asphalt
2015-11 - 2015-2016 Def Maintenance - Asphalt Bids Due: April 30, 2015 3:00pm
***Job 2015-11 Bid Tabulation
*** Job 2015-11: District Designates Backstone Asphalt as the lowest responsive bidder
2015-13 - 2015-16 Def Maintenance - VA Painting
2015-13 - 2015-16 Def Maintenance - VA Painting Bids Due: April 30, 2015 1:00pm
***Job 2015-13 - Addendum #1 April 14-2015
*** Job 2015-13 - Job Walk Sign In Sheet
*** Job 2015-13 - Addendum #2 April 14-2015
*** Job 2015-03 - Addendum #3 April 16-2015 BID FORMS (All are MANDATORY SUBMISSIONS to be considered responsive
*** Job 2015-13 Bid Tabulation
***Job 2015-13: District Designates Pacific Contractors Group as the lowest responsive bidder
2016-08 - District Parent Education Center
2016-08 - District Parent Education Center Bids Due: September 16, 2015 2:00pm
***There is a mandatory job walk for this project on Friday, September 11, 2015 @ 10:00am.
**Appropriate Contractor's License: Class B General Contractor or other license allowed by law.
*** Job 2016-08 Bid Spec / Bid Forms
***Job 2016-08 Architect Plans
***Job 2016-08 Addendum #1 9/11/2015 - Bid Due Date is now September 28, 2015 at 1:00pm.
***Job 2016-08 Addendum #2 09/15/2015 - Scope of work clarifications
Outcome: The District has determined that there is a significant ambiguity in bidding documents existing and is therefore rejecting all bids. The District will re-bid this project with updated plans and specs in the near future.
2016-09 - FJH F1 Restroom Remodel
2016-09 - FJH F1 Restroom Remodel Bids Due: September 28, 2015 2:00pm
***There is a mandatory job walk for this project on September 22, 2015 at 3:30pm
***Appropriate Contractor's License: Class B General Contractor or other license allowed by law.
***Job 2016-09 Notice Calling for Bids
*** Job 2016-09 Bid Forms
***Job 2016-09 Architect Plans
***Job 2016-09 Addendum #1 September 25, 2015
***Job 2016-09 Addendum #2 September 30, 2015
Outcome: 1 Bidder; District Designates Cal Custom Group LLC as the lowest responsive bidder
2016-10 - District Parent Education Center
2016-10 - Disrict Parent Education Center Bids Due: October 22, 2015 at 2:00pm
***There is a mandatory job walk for this project on October 13, 2015 at 10:00am.
**Appropriate Contractor's License: Class B General Contractor or other license allowed by law.
*** Job 2016-10 Notice Calling for Bids
*** Job 2016-10 Project Manual / Bid Docs
***Job 2016-10 Supplemental Instruction to Bidders
***Job 2016-10 Architect Plans
***Job 2016-10 Addendum #1 October 7, 2015
Outcome: 2 Bidders; District Designates JTS Construction as the lowest responsive bidder
2017-02 ZLE 2 Portable Project
2017-02 ZLE 2 Portable Project
Bids are due by June 1, 2016 @ 10:00am
2017-02 ZLE 2 Portable Project Notice to Contractors Calling for Bids
2017-02 ZLE 2 Portable Project Bid Book
2017-02 ZLE 2 Portable Project Spec Book
2017-02 ZLE 2 Portable Project Plan Set
2017-02 ZLE 2 Portable Project Addendum #1 May 28, 2016
2017-02 ZLE 2 Portable Project Addendum #2 (#3) June 1, 2016
Project 2017-01 FJH Painting
Project 2017-01 FJH Painting
MANDATORY JOB WALK - Friday, May 20, 2016 @ 9:00am. Fairfax Junior High Campus. 1500 S. Fairfax Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93307.
Bids Due: May 31, 2016 @ 1:00pm.
Please find the notice for bid and bid specs posted below:
2017-01 FJH Paint Bid Specs
List of Eligible Vendors to Bid Project
2017-01 FJH Paint Site Map (Addendum 1)
2017-01 FJH Paint Addendum 1 May 23, 2016
Bid Tabulation
**Economos Painting is the lowest responsive bidder based upon base bid. They will be recommended to the Board at June 9, 2016 meeting.
Project 2017-03 SLE 2 Portable Project
Project 2017-03 SLE 2 Portable Project
Bids are due on June 1, 2016 @ 10:00am
Notice Calling for Bids
Bid Packet
Project Spec
Project Drawings
Addendum #1 May 25, 2016
Addendum #2 May 28, 2016
Addendum #3 June 1, 2016